Tuesday, 17 May 2011

All Things Bright and Beautiful .....

...... And All That Jazz!!!!!!!!!!!

Well what a month we've had! Mur came home, Joseph was Christened, he's had a bad cold, viral infection and croup - resulting to 2 trips to the out of hours hospital and a visit to the doctors for anti-biotics, he was waking up loads through the night, not going to bed until 9pm after screaming and wanting held for a couple of hours, he refused to go in the bath, would wake up crying and screaming through the night then would wake up from 5am refusing to go back to bed again and his reflux started up again so we were knee deep in sick and dirty washing and to top it all off - he's teething, not just one little tooth .... but 4 huge molars!! It has been hell!

I never got to my friend Gails hen weekend because of it, we missed our good friend John's wedding because of it and have had very little if no sleep for weeks because of it - resulting in two frazzled parents, a very sad and grumpy baby and a disorganised messy house!

But we went to Gails wedding on Saturday there and had an absolute ball! It was just fantastic! One of the best weddings we've ever been at! We had so much fun and stayed away for the night, which did us all the world of good!

Mur has an extra week at home - so we're hoping to make the most of it and try and get some good family fun times, although we only seem to manage to all be in the right place at the right time and all in a good mood after lunch - but hey ho, every home is different eh! lol

I am also finally feeling a little more on the up! My hairs all done, tan, nails and lashes too and I feel way more like myself again - I guess it took me a little longer than I first thought to bounce back! I've been trying to chill out a bit more and take some "me" time - I'm reading books again and I enrolled me and Joseph in the library today which is great! I've been online and am starting to learn a wee bit spanish and I am starting to get really excited about moving and cant wait to get my teeth stuck into a new chapter of our lives. But I know that this one will need some serious organising and it's a huge challenge, but I feel ready for it now! It's gonna be stressful and there is so much to do but as everyone knows, I love nothing more than a good list!!!!!

So come on Mr Housebuyer - hurry up and get a move on ............