September 11th, 911, The Day The World Changed Forever - Whatever you remember it as it has left a scar on my heart and soul that will never leave.
I will never forget where I was when it happened and what I saw - I guess I, like most other people in the world stood watching the tv screen and had that feeling where my blood ran cold and I actually felt it drain from me.
My thoughts today are with all those lost, all those who have lost and those who survived but will be forever changed. The brave, the scared and the injured and the orphans and the loved ones struggling each day on this earth without them. Words fail me right now with the correct way to honour them all.
When Joseph and I say our prayers tonight we wont just bless our family and people we treasure - we will bless all those wonderful souls who gave their lives for us to keep ours as we know it, whether it was through bravery or tragedy and we will thank them from the bottom of our hearts.
May you all rest in peace xxxxx