Sunday, 30 May 2010
Well it was the football presentation dance last night and Murray arrived home at 2.30am - after standing outside the salon looking for burglars whilst phoning me to tell me he was down the street and "ready for them" (honestly i wanted to bash him myself at 1.50am) never mind!!! The front door then burst open, he crashed around downstairs for a bit, then ejected himself out of his suit in the livingroom (it looked like the hulk had been there!) woke up Joe who was sleeping in my arms in the nursery after his bottle and then crashed out accross the top of our bed - where he has remained comatosed since!!! Am i bothered??........ me???? naah of course not - i've loved having the baby for the last 21hours on my bloody own!!!!!!!!!!!
So it's now mid afternoon - i'm officially on strike and still in my pj's - i've done the bottles, the baby, the washing and tidy'd up and i'm determined that i'm doing no-more!! it'll be takeaway for tea a cosy bath then clean pj's all round and bed!!! (Tomorrow's Monday so we can start all afresh then!!!)
The lord and master has now risen - my god he stinks!! - the baby has been firmly placed in his arms and i've done a runner to the kitchen - now both my boys are on the couch and all i can hear is UFC blaring outta the telly!! (give me strength)(can't live with him, and can't live without him, comes to mind......!!! lol)
Well who knows what this week coming will bring, as our plans have gone all to pot - seeing as bridezilla has "relieved me of my duties" we've now got a free weekend!!
From this whole sorry situation, I've learned a good life lesson and found patience and reserve that i never knew i had. I've never had my professionalism questioned and dismissed before and it hurt me to the core, but from somewhere i found calmness, compassion and pitty for the girl, and have risen abouve it all. I am fiercly protective of both my beautiful baby and my salon and both have come under fire and been the subject of a nasty, cold and hurtful attack. But from somewhere i've managed to walk away from a situation where i would have normally completely lost it and seriously fought my corner, especially as all i was doing was being kind, doing a favour and trying to help. But the greater picture is my family happiness and I adore my family - Teesh and Graham mean the world to me and i will never ever do anything to upset what we all have - so if keeping quiet and walking away is needed to keep the peace, then so be it!
It's a big week for me anyway, full of more important things. It's officially 3 years on Saturday since the fire and hopefully we'll get the last installment of our insurance settlement! Yaaaay, woop woop woop!! thank goodness - it's been a tough patch for us but we're nearly there! I've got an excellent bunch of girls working for me now and hopefully this'll be a good year for Astara!! Thats if we dont get robbed this week! Buggers!! I've done everything i can to prevent it and short of putting Mur down there to sleep with a baseball bat at night - it's now left in the hands of the police to keep an eye out (now why dont i feel reassured????!!!) considering the same west coast scumbags that were casing out my salon, were the very ones questioned by CID about the other burglaries ................ i think it'll jst be a matter of time until they strike! Which is sad, scary and horrible!!!
On a more happy and cheerful note, Baby Joe is truly scrumptious and has been a darling this weekend, we've been to St Andrews, out visiting, and he went to see the Swallows play with his daddy yesterday, while i was getting my spray tan done!! - (bet it wont be long til he's running up and down the sideline with a ball and strip on, causing chaos!!!) - He's now up to 6oz per bottle!! (The boy is getting HUGE!!) He is sleeping longer and is cutting out a feed a night and he really is soo funny!! (ask "are you gorgeous?" and the smile you get would light the room!) i love being a mummy and Mur really is an excellent daddy - but you know things have shifted when the baby is screaming for scotland and you both find yourself "tag-teaming" him, trying to change his nappy as fast as you can, both singing incy wincy spider, trying to restore the calm!!! lol .......... whats happened to us?
............. Poor dot must be wondering what the hell happened to her quiet wee house??? (well she's not the only one!!!) xxxx (she's lying sprawled out under my chair as i am typing this getting some peace and quality time with her mum!!)
better go - Murray's just announced he's hungry, he's busy rading an empty fridge and i'm supposed to have been online for the last 20 minutes doing the Asda order!!! (OOPS!)
xxxx bye for now, much love xxxx
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Count to 10 ...............
This has been one week not to be repeated!
Take a deep breath!
I am blogging on the run, practically, tonight as it's pay day! (again, so soon, where does the time go????) I am swamped under with paperwork and have enough money sitting in bundles to go to the maldives (yes I was tempted to run....) envelopes, rent reviews, holiday pay accrual, P60's, P45's and tax returns and on, and on, and on ...... lying everywhere needing my attention even a large G&T just wont cut it tonight!!! God my heads hurting just writing this!
On top of all that, I've had a very hungry baby needing fed, (nailing 5oz every 3hrs) a mother in-law (bless her) frantically ironing, a husband with a seriously busted knee (and if he keeps up with the grumpiness a busted face to match it!!!)a flaming roasting heat wave, (with a baby who is beter suited to artic conditions) the biggest bloody bridezilla, (don't even go there!!) staff meetings, baby visitors, health visitors, a cat thats hell bent on stalking my beautiful dot spot! celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary and to cap it all off we've just finished 4 nights in a row of visiting mums house to see the Ozzy's!!!! (we loooved them, they were all just fab people!)but i'm shattered!
Oh and who'd have believed it - surprise bloody surprise - i'm still doing the night feeds ("cos your just so good at it") as husband dear - is just no use and doesnt even hear him cry!!! How I ask, can he possibly sleep through the racket our darling can create, I dont know, but he's a master at it!!! Lord give me strength before i blow my stack! But never mind, lets look on the bright side ...... he might get a trip off after his knee surgery (OH F$@K!!!!!!!) 12 weeks at home, So hey God, just bring it on!!!! (what did i ever do to you?)
Ps, Baby Joe is seriously SMILING this week, (it would melt your heart!!) is weighing in at 10lbs 6oz, has slept amazingly in his wonderful auntie's HUGE silvercross pram 3 times and is now sleeping in his own room at night!!! YAAY!!! He's so funny and I would go to the end of the earth for this little lad, words just cant describe how loved and adored he is.
Hope you are all having a better week than me! (could it be worse than mine??)
With Much Love and Blue WKD's
This has been one week not to be repeated!
Take a deep breath!
I am blogging on the run, practically, tonight as it's pay day! (again, so soon, where does the time go????) I am swamped under with paperwork and have enough money sitting in bundles to go to the maldives (yes I was tempted to run....) envelopes, rent reviews, holiday pay accrual, P60's, P45's and tax returns and on, and on, and on ...... lying everywhere needing my attention even a large G&T just wont cut it tonight!!! God my heads hurting just writing this!
On top of all that, I've had a very hungry baby needing fed, (nailing 5oz every 3hrs) a mother in-law (bless her) frantically ironing, a husband with a seriously busted knee (and if he keeps up with the grumpiness a busted face to match it!!!)a flaming roasting heat wave, (with a baby who is beter suited to artic conditions) the biggest bloody bridezilla, (don't even go there!!) staff meetings, baby visitors, health visitors, a cat thats hell bent on stalking my beautiful dot spot! celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary and to cap it all off we've just finished 4 nights in a row of visiting mums house to see the Ozzy's!!!! (we loooved them, they were all just fab people!)but i'm shattered!
Oh and who'd have believed it - surprise bloody surprise - i'm still doing the night feeds ("cos your just so good at it") as husband dear - is just no use and doesnt even hear him cry!!! How I ask, can he possibly sleep through the racket our darling can create, I dont know, but he's a master at it!!! Lord give me strength before i blow my stack! But never mind, lets look on the bright side ...... he might get a trip off after his knee surgery (OH F$@K!!!!!!!) 12 weeks at home, So hey God, just bring it on!!!! (what did i ever do to you?)
Ps, Baby Joe is seriously SMILING this week, (it would melt your heart!!) is weighing in at 10lbs 6oz, has slept amazingly in his wonderful auntie's HUGE silvercross pram 3 times and is now sleeping in his own room at night!!! YAAY!!! He's so funny and I would go to the end of the earth for this little lad, words just cant describe how loved and adored he is.
Hope you are all having a better week than me! (could it be worse than mine??)
With Much Love and Blue WKD's
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
On the home stretch!!
"Daddy's coming home" Yaaay, I dont think in all the years that Murray has been offshore I've ever looked forward to his arrival as much as I am this trip! and I love him and miss him everytime he goes like you wouldnt believe, so thats really saying something!!!!
It's going to be so much fun! We're going to do so many things and go loads of places and really just enjoy being all together!!! and since i'm back in control again with the house and the fact it's even tidy again - I'm like a new woman, so I know the 3 of us will manage amazingly!!
It's so funny to think we're now a 3 or even a "family" as it's been just us 2 for so long! zooming around in fast cars buying stuff, doing what we wanted, spoiling ourselves and generally having a very indulgant selfishly bloody fantastic time!!! But I've been there, done it and bought the t-shirt (or the clothes shop in my case!!!!!) lol, and I'm so ready and excited for this new, special part of my life full of precious love and blessings, that money cant buy and is hard to imagine ever being without now!!!
I love my "House of Hughes" and all it's going to bring and I have never been happier in my life! And i'm coping with the groundhog day effect of washing, feeding etc but not with the just fell outta the tumble dryer look - man i look pretty rough right now and Jane Iredale is doing a sterling job but nothings that good! i'm almost a lost cause!!!
before i go - we went out for a walk yesterday that turned into the biggest trial ever - 4 flaming hours - as we did a quick pitstop at the Peat residence for a feed enroute and never made it outta leeanns livingroom again! complete, total nightmare! poor wee man threw up, heated up and played up!! lol - i was sweating, next time i go for a walk, i'm taking the car!!!! ;) and i'm not joking!
(but the half bottle of blossomhill i sank on my return home - soothed all frayed nerves!)
here's some bathtime pics of Master Joe, who is learning to smile this week, is trying to baby talk (almost as much as me!) and can hold his rattles!!!! It's been a great week with the greatest wee man!!
better skoot, granny mary's feeding the munchkin,
much love xxxx
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Life Outside the Livingroom!
What a week I've had - Poor Joseph's been back to the doctors and is on stronger reflux medicine (jury is still out as to whether it's working yet or not!) I followed advice on getting rid of cradle cap by a stupid old nurse at the practice (wrong advice may I add!!) and have managed to rub off half his hair ........... not a good look - poor wee baby! But after a complete and total melt down that lasted over 8 hours I came to terms with it and the fact that it was me that did it - and I realised it was falling out anyway! God, who said that mummy guilt is easy to live with?!!!!!
And finally ............... We made it out of the livingroom the last 3 days and went to Kirkcaldy, to Leven and We went visiting both crazy granny's today! and minus the impossible amounts of sick, I'm managing mornings on my own! Yaaay!
So it's all good here in our house! and we're on the countdown until Freedom Friday!!! When Murray gets back! woop woop! It's gonna be a fun week! We are getting helped/visited by lots of lovely's to give poor granny Mary a rest from us to get organised at home before her Ozzy's arrive! Our rota is shaping up quite nicely, Annie, Lor, Christine and some reflux sympathising visitors too!!! I'm reallyquite excited!!
Ooh and i'm booked in for a complete overhaul over the course of the week at the salon!! I cant wait - there are bits of me that I daren't even type about ........... I just shut my eyes now and if I cant see it - it cant worry me!! lol
On a sad note - i missed the beauty show today! awwww, it's really made me sad - What's happening to me? but fingers crossed i'll be in a better more organised less sickly place next year and I can arrive in style, groomed perfectly with a list in my hand........... back to my old self again (where has she gone?? can anyone still see her?)
ps/ At the top there's a few cute pics - some of my fav's from the last 5 weeks!!!
much love xxxx
Monday, 10 May 2010
YOU SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND BABY .................
OK, so I might not be managing the yummy mummy part yet!! My god where does each day go? I would not have believed this possible but I never got dressed or washed at all yesterday - by the time Joe had thrown up for the 4th time I gave up! I honestly couldn't tell by the end of the day, which one of us smelt the worst!
What has happened to me? I'm a busy person with a business! How the hell can something so small cause so much chaos? If I could just feed him and put him down it would be fine, but he needs held still until there's less chance of the milk coming back up - which I have done for the last few weeks and don't mind doing - If the little shit would stop wriggling about, grunting groaning and trying to fill his nappy - whilst feeding! It's like wrestling a bloody barking octopus!
I feel like I've been picked up and placed in a strange country with no road-map or directions and a language I don't speak!!! But I'm a tough girl - I'll get there! Jane Iredale solves all problems!
On a plus note - Joseph met all his cousins (all 4 of them!!) at the weekend and it was fab! They were all excited to see him and he behaved perfectly and wasn't sick on them or pee everywhere while getting changed!! Both granny's got pictures, all aunties got teary eyed and I got out the house twice in 2 days!!!! It was a great weekend and went to my first bbq of the year! - until he threw up the moment we got home on Sunday night and hasn't stopped since!! Lol
Murray's words of "surely it cant be that bad Sarah"are still ringing in my ears .................... lets see how bad he thinks it is when I hand him Joe on my way out the door a week on Friday when he arrives home ................... ;)
Better go bathe both of us - or our house will be getting quarentined and fumegated as a health hazzard to Queens Gardens!!!
ps / still have not mastered the art of adding pictures - but I will!!! xxxx
What has happened to me? I'm a busy person with a business! How the hell can something so small cause so much chaos? If I could just feed him and put him down it would be fine, but he needs held still until there's less chance of the milk coming back up - which I have done for the last few weeks and don't mind doing - If the little shit would stop wriggling about, grunting groaning and trying to fill his nappy - whilst feeding! It's like wrestling a bloody barking octopus!
I feel like I've been picked up and placed in a strange country with no road-map or directions and a language I don't speak!!! But I'm a tough girl - I'll get there! Jane Iredale solves all problems!
On a plus note - Joseph met all his cousins (all 4 of them!!) at the weekend and it was fab! They were all excited to see him and he behaved perfectly and wasn't sick on them or pee everywhere while getting changed!! Both granny's got pictures, all aunties got teary eyed and I got out the house twice in 2 days!!!! It was a great weekend and went to my first bbq of the year! - until he threw up the moment we got home on Sunday night and hasn't stopped since!! Lol
Murray's words of "surely it cant be that bad Sarah"are still ringing in my ears .................... lets see how bad he thinks it is when I hand him Joe on my way out the door a week on Friday when he arrives home ................... ;)
Better go bathe both of us - or our house will be getting quarentined and fumegated as a health hazzard to Queens Gardens!!!
ps / still have not mastered the art of adding pictures - but I will!!! xxxx
Friday, 7 May 2010
At 01.31hrs on the 13th April 2010 - a gorgeous wee boy arrived in our lives - the less said about the labour to get him here the better!!! Joe is the spitting image of his daddy and he melts my heart! It's been an amazing 3 1/2 weeks already and I know everyone says it but - "I can't imagine being without him!" However I can remember what it was like before, when I was able to wash my hair and brush my teeth and could go to sleep (sleep...........what is that???) without a bloody relaxation cd playing on repeat all night long!
And who upstairs is having a laugh and sending me a beautiful baby complete with bloody REFLUX??? ..................... Not finding it funny at all!! Although I think Scott the painter will be pleased as all our walls now need re-done!! lol
Better skoot, Master Hughes is screaming for his bottle - unfortunately he has Murray's appetite with my temper and patience ......... Nice!!! :)
Will upload some pics as soon as I can corner LeeAnn to find out how!
And who upstairs is having a laugh and sending me a beautiful baby complete with bloody REFLUX??? ..................... Not finding it funny at all!! Although I think Scott the painter will be pleased as all our walls now need re-done!! lol
Better skoot, Master Hughes is screaming for his bottle - unfortunately he has Murray's appetite with my temper and patience ......... Nice!!! :)
Will upload some pics as soon as I can corner LeeAnn to find out how!
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