Friday, 7 May 2010


At 01.31hrs on the 13th April 2010 - a gorgeous wee boy arrived in our lives - the less said about the labour to get him here the better!!! Joe is the spitting image of his daddy and he melts my heart! It's been an amazing 3 1/2 weeks already and I know everyone says it but - "I can't imagine being without him!" However I can remember what it was like before, when I was able to wash my hair and brush my teeth and could go to sleep (sleep...........what is that???) without a bloody relaxation cd playing on repeat all night long!

And who upstairs is having a laugh and sending me a beautiful baby complete with bloody REFLUX??? ..................... Not finding it funny at all!! Although I think Scott the painter will be pleased as all our walls now need re-done!! lol

Better skoot, Master Hughes is screaming for his bottle - unfortunately he has Murray's appetite with my temper and patience ......... Nice!!! :)

Will upload some pics as soon as I can corner LeeAnn to find out how!


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